Neeld Estate
Charm of the Chesapeake
photo: Eve Shoemaker
Ho ho ho! Get ready to celebrate the magic of the season as Santa returns to our neighborhood for a cozy morning of fun, food, and festivities.
Come dressed in your favorite pajamas and enjoy a delicious pancake hot off the griddle with Santa himself!! Bring a side dish to share.
Santa can’t wait to see you all!! Proceeds benefit NECA
Also, if you have kiddos, wrap a gift (under $20) and mark it with their name. If you would like to drop it off early, message Meagan!
John Steven Earman passed away Wednesday, October 23, 2024
more info to be posted
Meagan Jeffries
Calvert County Teacher of the Year
Slow Down
in the neighborhood
NECA Beach Rules
Private Beach for Neeld Estate Community Members and their Guests Only
Enjoy the beach and use at your own risk
Protect our Bay and remove your own trash
No uncontrolled dogs or pets
Clean up after yourselves & pets
Respect adjacent areas of private property
Owners of adjacent private property are responsible for policing their own property
Holes dug on beach should be re-filled prior to leaving the beach
No motorized land vehicles on the beach
No automobiles/trucks should park at/on, or block beach access points to include Ridge Road Access. Short term temporary parking for unloading and loading is permitted.
Personal conduct should not jeopardize the safety of self and others
Soak up the sun, breathe the salty air, relax, make memories
December 2023 NECA Membership Meeting
Cathy McCully and Barbara Hille were elected to the NECA board as the treasurer and secretary, respectively. Thanks to both for stepping up.
Thanks to Michelle Freeman who had served as treasurer and Meagan Jeffries who had served as secretary.
Attention Dog Walkers:
"If your dog leaves it. . . Please Retrieve it"
SCOOP the POOP - It's A Law
Help keep our pets from polluting the Bay. Pet Waste
is one of the major contributors to Bay pollution. The "Mutt Mitt" Doggie Bag Dispensers have been installed, one at each of the main entrances to the beach. Hopefully this will encourage all dog walkers to pick up after their pets.
Nearly 95% of the land in Maryland drains to
the Chesapeake Bay
If you "Love Where You Live" why not volunteer to chair an event and help support the community?
If interested, please contact Eve Shoemaker.
It's always a great time when we can get together
with friends and neighbors at a FUNraiser!
Please remember that the WALL along the
waterfront is on Private Property.
Calvert County Mosquito Control Program
Tips to Rid Neeld Estate of Mosquito Breeding Sites
Clean rain gutters to allow water to flow freely.
Remove old tires or drill drainage holes in tires used for playground equipment.
Store plastic wading pools inside or turn them upside down when not in use.
Turn over or remove clay pots and plastic containers.
Dispose of all empty beverage containers, plastic wrappers, discarded toys, etc.
Check for trapped water in plastic or canvas tarps used to cover boats, pools, etc.
Arrange the tarp to drain the water.
Pump out bilges in boats. Turn canoes and small boats upside down for storage.
Replace water in bird baths at least twice a week.
Remove pet food and water dishes that are not being used.
Flush livestock water troughs twice a week.
Don't leave garbage can lids lying upside down. Be sure water does not collect in the
bottom of garbage cans.
Flush water in the bottom of plant holders twice a week.
Fix dripping outside water faucets.
Turn wheelbarrows upside down when stored outside.
Check around construction sites or do-it-yourself improvements to ensure that proper
backfilling and grading prevent drainage problems.
Check ornamental ponds, tree holes and water-holding low areas for mosquito larvae.
Call the nearest Mosquito Control Office (see below) if you find, or suspect, mosquito -
larvae are present. “Mosquito Fish” are available that will naturally control larva in ponds.
If ditches do not flow and contain stagnant water for one week or longer, they can produce
large numbers of mosquitoes. Report such conditions to a Mosquito Control Office.
Do not attempt to clear these ditches because they may be protected by wetland regulations. -
Contact the Mosquito Control at the County’s Department of General Services, 410-535-1600 or
301-855-1243 or Mosquito Control Section of the Maryland Department of Agriculture nearest
you for additional assistance and advice.
Maryland Department of Agriculture Mosquito Control Offices Annapolis
(Headquarters) 410-841-5870 Southern Maryland 301-373-4263
Calvert County will be starting their abatement of nuisance and vector (disease carrier) mosquitoes
on May 1st. This includes biological control methods for larvae at breeding sites, and also spraying
for adult mosquitoes, on an as needed basis only. This is determined by specimen count using
mosquito lamp traps within the community. The spraying is done in accordance with EPA
regulations and uses permethrin which is not suppose to be harmful to humans or to pets, but
cannot be sprayed near ponds with fish or near beehives. The spraying generally will be once or
twice a week when the mosquitoes are bad.
PLEASE PROVIDE A REASON ( EXAMPLE: health issues, pond with fish, beehive, etc.)
The new officers that were voted in at our last NECA business meeting on Thursday, November 3, 2022.
President - Jon Norris (
1st Vice President - Chris Moore
2nd Vice President - Jay Norris
Secretary - Barbara Hille
Treasurer - Cathy McCully
Their term of office will begin January 1, 2023 and their very first meeting will be held on January 5, 2023 at 6:30pm at the Hilltop House.
The Neeld Estate community would like to thank the many
volunteers who help out all year long.
Whatever part you play in making Neeld Estate a better place to
live, we want you to know we appreciate your time and efforts.
Thank You!!
Neeld Estate sign from the 1950's
Some of the many Neeld Estate entrance signs
MEMORIES.... "Love Where We Live"
JULY 4, 2012
Christmas Party 2012
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Sand Bagging October & November 2020
State Acknowledges “Massive Contamination” in Chesapeake Beach, MD
Mark Mank, a spokesman for the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) acknowledged “massive contamination” caused by the military’s use of PFAS at the Naval Research Lab - Chesapeake Bay Detachment in Chesapeake Beach, Maryland during the Navy’s RAB meeting on May 18, 2021.
Stay Safe
Find Your Evacuation Zone Today
After clicking the button above
you will be directed to the
Know Your Zone Map
All You Have To Do Is Know Your Zone
Step 1: Click the 'Find Your Zone' button
Step 2: Enter your Address on the map,
Step 3: See your zone in the search results
Step 4: Evacuate your zone if told to do so by local officials.
Janet Geans
OPEN for business.
Take a book or leave a book or both. No children's books please. Please be aware of latch on the right hand side, keeps the 'house's waterproof, please use.
Thank you. ENJOY!
Neeld Estate Old Cottage Photos and more
click image to view in full screen
Neeld Estate Old Photos
Neeld Estate 60's Beach Party
Calvert County Critical Area Program
What You Need To Know:
ALL of Neeld Estate is in the Critical Area. . . Every Property
A map, outlining the Critical Areas of Calvert County is posted in the Planning & Zoning Office in
Prince Frederick.
The Critical Area for Neeld Estate extends all the way to Tobacco Road. (Our community is surrounded by water)
This land is 'critical' because the health of the Bay, including the plant and animal life living in it is
impacted by what you do on your property.
What Activities Are Regulated in the Buffer?
* No cutting or clearing is allowed without a permit.
* No structure or building is allowed without a permit.
* Grading, adding fill material, or shore erosion control methods require permits.*
* Dead trees may be removed without a permit.
* Trees posing immediate threat to a structure may be removed without a permit, but with prior Planning
& Zoning approval.
* The lower one-third of branches on mature trees may be pruned without a permit, but with prior Planning and
Zoning approval.
* Invasive vines may be removed without a permit, but with prior Planning & Zoning approval.
* Maintenance of existing lawns is permitted.
* Stiff penalties are imposed for unauthorized clearing in the buffer zone.
1. What is the Critical Area?
In 1984, the Maryland General Assembly resolved to reverse the deterioration of the Bay*s environment by enacting the Chesapeake Bay Protection Act. In 2002, the Act was amended to include the Atlantic Coastal Bays. The Act required the 16 counties, Baltimore City, and 44 municipalities surrounding the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays to implement a land use and resource management program designed to mitigate the damaging impact of water pollution and loss of natural habitat, while also accommodating the jurisdiction*s future growth. The Critical Area Act recognizes that the land immediately surrounding the Bays and their tributaries has the greatest potential to affect water quality and wildlife
habitat and thus designated all lands within 1,000 feet of tidal waters or adjacent tidal wetlands as the *Critical Area.
2. Who and What does the Critical Area Act affect?
The Act affects all those who live or own property within 1,000 feet of tidal waters or tidal wetlands.
All development or use of land located within the Critical Area is affected in some way. Just because land is in the Critical Area however, does not mean it can*t be developed and used.
3. What is the Critical Area Commission and how does it affect me?
The 29-member Critical Area Commission was created by the 1984 Chesapeake Bay Protection Act to design the Critical Area Criteria which are the basis of 63 local Critical Area Programs. The Commission reviews and approves local jurisdiction Critical Area Programs and amendments to those programs. *The Commission staff reviews and comments on subdivisions, site plans, variances and other local development proposals within the Critical Area. While a State agency, the Critical Area Commission reviews and comments on development proposals within the Critical Area. Each local jurisdiction maintains sovereignty in creating, adopting, and implementing its local program in accordance with the Commission*s Criteria.
Check the Status of our Favorite Beaches